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Church History and Purpose:
Our Church was organized in 1900. The purpose of our church is the advancement of the Kingdom of God according to the teaching of Jesus Christ. We seek to obtain this through public worship services and the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This is achieved through Christian education; missionary outreach and involvement; evangelism; fellowship; and the witness of our members through their daily life as followers of Christ.
First Baptist Church is located in Lamar, Colorado. We are affiliated with the American Baptist Churches of the USA. We welcome all who wish to worship Christ and learn more about Him. Below is our statement of purpose.
This church hereby declares its belief in and adherence to the teachings of Jesus Christ as set forth in the Old and New Testaments. The purposes of this church are and shall be:
The study and practices of right living as revealed and taught in the Scriptures.
The promotion and advancement of Christ's Kingdom by consistent Christian living, personal evangelism, missionary endeavor, and Christian education.
What We Believe:
​We believe in the Holy Scriptures, accepting fully the writings of the Old and New Testaments as the very Word of God, verbally inspired in all parts and sufficient in themselves, as our only infallible rule of faith and practice.
We believe in the one Triune God, who is personal, spirit ​sovereign, self-existent, and self-revealing in the three distinct persons-the Father, the Son & the Holy Spirit.
We believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as the only begotten Son of our Great God and our Savior. And that without ​any essential change in His divine Person, He became man by the miracle of a Virgin Birth, thus to continue forever as both God and true man. We believe that He gave himself in death upon the cross, bearing there the sin of the world. We believe that He rose from the dead and that as our Great High Priest, He ascended into heaven to be Advocate and Intercessor for all who believe.
It is also our belief that man was the direct creation of God and by his personal disobedience to the revealed will of God, Adam & Eve became a sinful creature and the first of a fallen race. We realize that man is universally sinful in both nature and practice.
We believe that salvation is the free gift of God, neither merited nor secured by the works of men.​​ Salvation is received only by personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Once a person has received Christ, he then possesses the gift of eternal life, adoption in the family of God and deliverance and security from all condemnation.
We believe in the Second Coming of Christ and that His return will be personal, visible, pre-millennial, and glorious.
We believe that the spirits of the saved at death go immediately to be with Christ in Heaven, their bodies waiting for the resurrection at the end of time. The Spirits of the unsaved are separated from God forever, experiencing everlasting punishment.
We believe that the Church is a spiritual body of believers in Christ and should walk separate from the ways of this world, assembling themselves together in local churches for worship, fellowship, teaching, and observance of the ordinances of Baptism by immersion, and the Lord's Supper.
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